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CSMWorld Namespace Reference

Class for holding the model. Uses typical qt table abstraction/interface for granting access to the individiual fields of the records, Some records are holding nested data (for instance inventory list of the npc). In cases like this, table model offers interface to access nested data in the qt way - that is specify parent. Since some of those nested data require multiple columns to represent information, single int (default way to index model in the qmodelindex) is not sufficiant. Therefore tablemodelindex class can hold two ints for the sake of indexing two dimensions of the table. This model does not support multiple levels of the nested data. Vast majority of methods makes sense only for the top level data. More...




class  SubCellCollection
 Single type collection of top level records that are associated with cells. More...
class  ActorAdapter
struct  Cell
 Wrapper for Cell record. More...
class  CellCoordinates
class  CellSelection
 Selection of cells in a paged worldspace. More...
struct  IdAccessor
 Access to ID field in records. More...
class  Collection
 Single-type record collection. More...
class  CollectionBase
 Base class for record collections. More...
struct  ColumnBase
class  NestableColumn
struct  Column
struct  NestedParentColumn
struct  NestedChildColumn
struct  FloatValueColumn
struct  StringIdColumn
struct  RecordStateColumn
struct  FixedRecordTypeColumn
struct  VarTypeColumn
struct  VarValueColumn
struct  DescriptionColumn
struct  SpecialisationColumn
struct  UseValueColumn
struct  AttributeColumn
struct  NameColumn
struct  AttributesColumn
struct  SkillsColumn
struct  PlayableColumn
struct  HiddenColumn
struct  FlagColumn
struct  FlagColumn2
struct  WeightHeightColumn
struct  SoundParamColumn
struct  SoundFileColumn
struct  MapColourColumn
struct  SleepListColumn
struct  TextureColumn
struct  SpellTypeColumn
struct  CostColumn
struct  ScriptColumn
struct  RegionColumn
struct  CellColumn
struct  OriginalCellColumn
struct  IdColumn
struct  ScaleColumn
struct  OwnerColumn
struct  SoulColumn
struct  FactionColumn
struct  FactionIndexColumn
struct  ChargesColumn
struct  EnchantmentChargesColumn
struct  GoldValueColumn
struct  TeleportColumn
struct  TeleportCellColumn
struct  LockLevelColumn
struct  KeyColumn
struct  TrapColumn
struct  FilterColumn
struct  PosColumn
struct  RotColumn
struct  DialogueTypeColumn
struct  QuestStatusTypeColumn
struct  QuestDescriptionColumn
struct  QuestIndexColumn
struct  TopicColumn
struct  ActorColumn
struct  RaceColumn
struct  ClassColumn
struct  PcFactionColumn
struct  ResponseColumn
struct  DispositionColumn
struct  RankColumn
struct  PcRankColumn
struct  GenderColumn
struct  GenderNpcColumn
struct  EnchantmentTypeColumn
struct  ChargesColumn2
struct  AutoCalcColumn
struct  ModelColumn
struct  VampireColumn
struct  BodyPartTypeColumn
struct  MeshTypeColumn
struct  OwnerGlobalColumn
struct  RefNumCounterColumn
struct  RefNumColumn
struct  SoundColumn
struct  CreatureColumn
struct  SoundGeneratorTypeColumn
struct  BaseCostColumn
struct  SchoolColumn
struct  EffectTextureColumn
struct  EffectObjectColumn
struct  EffectSoundColumn
struct  FormatColumn
struct  AuthorColumn
struct  FileDescriptionColumn
struct  LandTextureNicknameColumn
struct  LandTextureIndexColumn
struct  LandPluginIndexColumn
struct  LandTexturePluginIndexColumn
struct  LandMapLodColumn
struct  LandNormalsColumn
struct  LandHeightsColumn
struct  LandColoursColumn
struct  LandTexturesColumn
struct  BodyPartRaceColumn
class  CommandDispatcher
class  CommandMacro
class  TouchCommand
class  ImportLandTexturesCommand
 Adds LandTexture records and modifies texture indices as needed. More...
class  CopyLandTexturesCommand
 This command is used to fix LandTexture records and texture indices after cloning a Land. See ImportLandTexturesCommand for details. More...
class  TouchLandCommand
 This command brings a land record into the current plugin, adding LandTexture records and modifying texture indices as needed. More...
class  ModifyCommand
class  CreateCommand
class  CloneCommand
class  RevertCommand
class  DeleteCommand
class  ReorderRowsCommand
class  CreatePathgridCommand
class  UpdateCellCommand
 Update cell ID according to x/y-coordinates. More...
class  NestedTableStoring
class  DeleteNestedCommand
class  AddNestedCommand
class  Data
class  IdCollection
 Single type collection of top level records. More...
class  IdCompletionManager
 Creates and stores all ID completers. More...
class  IdTable
class  LandTextureIdTable
class  IdTableBase
class  IdTableProxyModel
class  IdTree
struct  Info
class  InfoCollection
class  ConstInfoSelectWrapper
class  InfoSelectWrapper
class  InfoTableProxyModel
struct  Land
 Wrapper for Land record. Encodes X and Y cell index in the ID. More...
struct  LandTexture
 Wrapper for LandTexture record, providing info which plugin the LandTexture was loaded from. More...
class  LandTextureTableProxyModel
 Removes base records from filtered results. More...
struct  MetaData
class  PathgridPointListAdapter
class  PathgridEdgeListAdapter
class  FactionReactionsAdapter
class  RegionSoundListAdapter
class  SpellListAdapter
class  EffectsListAdapter
class  InfoListAdapter
class  InfoConditionAdapter
class  RaceAttributeAdapter
class  RaceSkillsBonusAdapter
class  CellListAdapter
class  RegionWeatherAdapter
class  NestedCollection
struct  Record
class  NestedColumnAdapter
class  NestedIdCollection
class  NestedInfoCollection
class  NestedTableProxyModel
struct  NestedTableWrapperBase
struct  NestedTableWrapper
struct  Pathgrid
 Wrapper for Pathgrid record. More...
struct  RecordBase
struct  CellRef
 Wrapper for CellRef sub record. More...
class  RefCollection
 References in cells. More...
class  RefIdAdapter
class  NestedRefIdAdapterBase
struct  BaseColumns
class  BaseRefIdAdapter
 Base adapter for all refereceable record types Adapters that can handle nested tables, needs to return valid qvariant for parent columns. More...
struct  ModelColumns
class  ModelRefIdAdapter
 Adapter for IDs with models (all but levelled lists) More...
struct  NameColumns
class  NameRefIdAdapter
 Adapter for IDs with names (all but levelled lists and statics) More...
struct  InventoryColumns
class  InventoryRefIdAdapter
 Adapter for IDs that can go into an inventory. More...
struct  PotionColumns
class  PotionRefIdAdapter
struct  IngredientColumns
class  IngredientRefIdAdapter
class  IngredEffectRefIdAdapter
struct  EnchantableColumns
class  EnchantableRefIdAdapter
 Adapter for enchantable IDs. More...
struct  ToolColumns
class  ToolRefIdAdapter
 Adapter for tools with limited uses IDs (lockpick, repair, probes) More...
struct  ActorColumns
class  ActorRefIdAdapter
 Adapter for actor IDs (handles common AI functionality) More...
class  ApparatusRefIdAdapter
class  ArmorRefIdAdapter
class  BookRefIdAdapter
class  ClothingRefIdAdapter
class  ContainerRefIdAdapter
struct  CreatureColumns
class  CreatureRefIdAdapter
class  DoorRefIdAdapter
struct  LightColumns
class  LightRefIdAdapter
class  MiscRefIdAdapter
struct  NpcColumns
class  NpcRefIdAdapter
struct  WeaponColumns
class  WeaponRefIdAdapter
class  NpcAttributesRefIdAdapter
class  NpcSkillsRefIdAdapter
class  NpcMiscRefIdAdapter
class  CreatureAttributesRefIdAdapter
class  CreatureAttackRefIdAdapter
class  CreatureMiscRefIdAdapter
class  EffectsRefIdAdapter
class  NestedInventoryRefIdAdapter
class  NestedSpellRefIdAdapter
class  NestedTravelRefIdAdapter
class  ActorAiRefIdAdapter
class  BodyPartRefIdAdapter
struct  LevListColumns
class  LevelledListRefIdAdapter
class  NestedListLevListRefIdAdapter
class  NestedLevListRefIdAdapter
class  RefIdColumn
class  RefIdCollection
struct  RefIdDataContainerBase
struct  RefIdDataContainer
class  RefIdData
class  RegionMap
 Model for the region map. More...
class  Resources
class  ResourcesManager
class  ResourceTable
class  ScriptContext
class  TableMimeData
 Subclass of QmimeData, augmented to contain and transport UniversalIds. More...
class  UniversalId


enum  Scope { Scope_Content = 1, Scope_Project = 2, Scope_Session = 4 }


bool operator== (const CellCoordinates &left, const CellCoordinates &right)
bool operator!= (const CellCoordinates &left, const CellCoordinates &right)
bool operator< (const CellCoordinates &left, const CellCoordinates &right)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &stream, const CellCoordinates &coordiantes)
Scope getScopeFromId (const std::string &id)
bool operator== (const UniversalId &left, const UniversalId &right)
bool operator!= (const UniversalId &left, const UniversalId &right)
bool operator< (const UniversalId &left, const UniversalId &right)
std::ostream & operator< (std::ostream &stream, const UniversalId &universalId)

Detailed Description

Class for holding the model. Uses typical qt table abstraction/interface for granting access to the individiual fields of the records, Some records are holding nested data (for instance inventory list of the npc). In cases like this, table model offers interface to access nested data in the qt way - that is specify parent. Since some of those nested data require multiple columns to represent information, single int (default way to index model in the qmodelindex) is not sufficiant. Therefore tablemodelindex class can hold two ints for the sake of indexing two dimensions of the table. This model does not support multiple levels of the nested data. Vast majority of methods makes sense only for the top level data.

Proxy model used to connect view in the dialogue into the nested columns of the main model.

Enumeration Type Documentation


Function Documentation

CSMWorld::Scope CSMWorld::getScopeFromId ( const std::string &  id)

Here is the call graph for this function:

Here is the caller graph for this function:

bool CSMWorld::operator!= ( const CellCoordinates &  left,
const CellCoordinates &  right 
bool CSMWorld::operator!= ( const UniversalId &  left,
const UniversalId &  right 

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool CSMWorld::operator< ( const CellCoordinates &  left,
const CellCoordinates &  right 

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool CSMWorld::operator< ( const UniversalId &  left,
const UniversalId &  right 

Here is the call graph for this function:

std::ostream & CSMWorld::operator< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const UniversalId &  universalId 

Here is the call graph for this function:

std::ostream & CSMWorld::operator<< ( std::ostream &  stream,
const CellCoordinates &  coordiantes 

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool CSMWorld::operator== ( const CellCoordinates &  left,
const CellCoordinates &  right 

Here is the call graph for this function:

bool CSMWorld::operator== ( const UniversalId &  left,
const UniversalId &  right 

Here is the call graph for this function: