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Todo List
Member anonymous_namespace{journalwindow.cpp}::JournalWindowImpl::notifyTopicSelected (const std::string &topic, int id)
get rid of intptr ids
Member Compiler::ControlParser::parseIfBody (int keyword, const TokenLoc &loc, Scanner &scanner)
should be IfElseEndState; add an option for that
Member Compiler::DeclarationParser::parseKeyword (int keyword, const TokenLoc &loc, Scanner &scanner)
option to disable this atrocity.
Member Compiler::DeclarationParser::parseName (const std::string &name, const TokenLoc &loc, Scanner &scanner)
add option to make re-declared local variables an error
Member Compiler::ExprParser::parseArguments (const std::string &arguments, Scanner &scanner, std::vector< Interpreter::Type_Code > &code, int ignoreKeyword=-1)
disable this when operating in strict mode
Member Compiler::ExprParser::parseSpecial (int code, const TokenLoc &loc, Scanner &scanner)
add option to disable this workaround
Member Compiler::FileParser::parseKeyword (int keyword, const TokenLoc &loc, Scanner &scanner)


allow this workaround to be disabled for newer scripts

Member Compiler::FileParser::parseName (const std::string &name, const TokenLoc &loc, Scanner &scanner)
allow this workaround to be disabled for newer scripts
Member Compiler::LineParser::parseKeyword (int keyword, const TokenLoc &loc, Scanner &scanner)

add option to disable this

add option to disable this

Member Compiler::Scanner::isStringCharacter (char c, bool lookAhead=true)

disable this when doing more stricter compiling

disable this when doing more stricter compiling. Also, find out who is responsible for allowing it in the first place and meet up with that person in a dark alley.

Member Compiler::Scanner::scanInt (char c, Parser &parser, bool &cont)
Member Compiler::Scanner::scanName (char c, Parser &parser, bool &cont)
optionally disable
Member Compiler::Scanner::scanSpecial (char c, Parser &parser, bool &cont)

option to disable the use of [ as alias for (

option to disable the use of ] as alias for )

hack to allow a space in comparison operators (add option to disable)

optionally disable for post-1.0 scripting improvements.

hack to allow a space in comparison operators (add option to disable)

disable for later script formats

hack to allow a space in comparison operators (add option to disable)

hack to allow a space in comparison operators (add option to disable)

Member Compiler::ScriptParser::parseKeyword (int keyword, const TokenLoc &loc, Scanner &scanner)
add an option to disable this nonsense
Member Compiler::ScriptParser::parseSpecial (int code, const TokenLoc &loc, Scanner &scanner)
Option to switch this off
Member CSMDoc::Document::reportMessage (const CSMDoc::Message &message, int type)
find a better way to get these messages to the user.
Member CSMDoc::WriteCellCollectionStage::perform (int stage, Messages &messages)
consider worldspace
Member CSMDoc::WriteHeaderStage::perform (int stage, Messages &messages)
refine dependency list (at least remove redundant dependencies)
Member CSMFilter::TextNode::test (const CSMWorld::IdTableBase &table, int row, const std::map< int, int > &columns) const
make pattern syntax configurable
Member CSMTools::BirthsignCheckStage::perform (int stage, CSMDoc::Messages &messages)
check data members that can't be edited in the table view
Member CSMTools::FactionCheckStage::perform (int stage, CSMDoc::Messages &messages)
check data members that can't be edited in the table view
Member CSMTools::RaceCheckStage::performPerRecord (int stage, CSMDoc::Messages &messages)
check data members that can't be edited in the table view
Member CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::creatureCheck (int stage, const CSMWorld::RefIdDataContainer< ESM::Creature > &records, CSMDoc::Messages &messages)
Check spells, teleport table, AI data and AI packages for validity
Member CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::npcCheck (int stage, const CSMWorld::RefIdDataContainer< ESM::NPC > &records, CSMDoc::Messages &messages)

Check gender, race and other body parts stuff validity for the specific NPC

Check gender, race and other body part stuff validity for the specific NPC

Member CSMTools::ReferenceableCheckStage::potionCheck (int stage, const CSMWorld::RefIdDataContainer< ESM::Potion > &records, CSMDoc::Messages &messages)
Check magic effects for validity
Member CSMTools::RegionCheckStage::perform (int stage, CSMDoc::Messages &messages)

test that the ID in mSleeplist exists

check data members that can't be edited in the table view

Member CSMTools::ScriptCheckStage::ScriptCheckStage (const CSMDoc::Document &document)
add an option to configure warning mode
Member CSMTools::SpellCheckStage::perform (int stage, CSMDoc::Messages &messages)
check data members that can't be edited in the table view
Member CSMWorld::CommandDispatcher::getExtendedTypes () const
add other cell-specific types
Member CSMWorld::CommandDispatcher::getRevertableRecords () const
Reverting temporarily disabled on tables that support reordering, because revert logic currently can not handle reordering.
Member CSMWorld::IdCollection< ESXRecordT, IdAccessorT >::load (ESM::ESMReader &reader, bool base)
report the problem to the user
Member CSMWorld::InfoCollection::load (ESM::ESMReader &reader, bool base, const ESM::Dialogue &dialogue)
report the problem to the user
Class CSMWorld::Land
Add worldspace support to the Land record.
Member CSMWorld::RefIdDataContainer< RecordT >::load (ESM::ESMReader &reader, bool base)
report the problem to the user
Member CSMWorld::RegionMap::data (const QModelIndex &index, int role=Qt::DisplayRole) const
GUI class in non-GUI code. Needs to be addressed eventually.
Member CSVDoc::AdjusterWidget::setName (const QString &name, bool addon)
add an user setting to make this an error.
Member CSVDoc::Operation::Operation (int type, QWidget *parent)

Add a cancel button or a pop up menu with a cancel item

assign different progress bar colours to allow the user to distinguish easily between operation types

Member CSVDoc::Operations::Operations ()
make widget height fixed (exactly the height required to display all operations)
Member CSVDoc::StartupDialogue::createButtons ()
add icons
Member CSVDoc::StartupDialogue::StartupDialogue ()
remove this label once we are feature complete and convinced that this thing is working properly.
Member CSVDoc::SubView::SubView (const CSMWorld::UniversalId &id)
add a button to the title bar that clones this sub view
Member CSVFilter::EditWidget::textChanged (const QString &text)
improve error reporting; mark only the faulty part
Member CSVRender::Object::apply (CSMWorld::CommandMacro &commands)
figure out worldspace (not important until multiple worldspaces are supported)
Member CSVRender::Object::update ()
check for Deleted state (error 1)
Member CSVRender::PagedWorldspaceWidget::addEditModeSelectorButtons (CSVWidget::SceneToolMode *tool)
replace EditMode with suitable subclasses
Member CSVRender::PagedWorldspaceWidget::cellAdded (const QModelIndex &index, int start, int end)
check if no selected cell is affected and do not update, if that is the case
Member CSVRender::PagedWorldspaceWidget::cellDataChanged (const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight)
check if no selected cell is affected and do not update, if that is the case
Member CSVRender::PagedWorldspaceWidget::useViewHint (const std::string &hint)
implement 'r' type hints
Member CSVRender::SceneWidget::makeLightingSelector (CSVWidget::SceneToolbar *parent)
replace icons
Member CSVRender::UnpagedWorldspaceWidget::cellDataChanged (const QModelIndex &topLeft, const QModelIndex &bottomRight)
possible optimisation: check columns and update only if relevant columns have changed
Member CSVRender::UnpagedWorldspaceWidget::update ()
deal with mSunlight and mFog/mForDensity
Member CSVRender::WorldspaceWidget::addEditModeSelectorButtons (CSVWidget::SceneToolMode *tool)
replace EditMode with suitable subclasses
Member CSVRender::WorldspaceWidget::makeNavigationSelector (CSVWidget::SceneToolbar *parent)

replace icons

consider user-defined button-mapping

Member CSVWorld::CommandDelegate::createEditor (QWidget *parent, const QStyleOptionViewItem &option, const QModelIndex &index, CSMWorld::ColumnBase::Display display) const
implement size limit. QPlainTextEdit does not support a size limit.
Member CSVWorld::Table::contextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent *event)

add menu items for select all and clear selection

allow reordering of multiple rows

Member ESM::AiSequence::AiWander::load (ESMReader &esm)
add more AiWander state
Member ESM::ESMWriter::endRecord (uint32_t name)
make endianess agnostic
Member ESM::ESMWriter::startRecord (uint32_t name, uint32_t flags=0)
make endianess agnostic
Member MWBase::WindowManager::getInventoryWindow ()=0
investigate, if we really need to expose every single lousy UI element to the outside world
Member MWBase::WindowManager::getPlayerSkillValues ()=0
get rid of this stuff. Move it to the respective UI element classes, if needed.
Member MWBase::World::getAnimation (const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr)=0
Probably shouldn't be here
Member MWBase::World::screenshot (osg::Image *image, int w, int h)=0
this does not belong here
Member MWClass::Creature::ensureCustomData (const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) const
add option to make this a fatal error message pop-up, but default to warning for vanilla compatibility
Member MWClass::Npc::ensureCustomData (const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) const
add option to make this a fatal error message pop-up, but default to warning for vanilla compatibility
Member MWGui::Formatting::BookFormatter::handleFont (const BookTextParser::Attributes &attr)
Member MWGui::JournalViewModelImpl::toUtf8Span (std::string const &str)
replace this nasty BS
Member MWGui::WindowManager::getInventoryWindow ()
investigate, if we really need to expose every single lousy UI element to the outside world
Member MWGui::WindowManager::getPlayerSkillValues ()
get rid of this stuff. Move it to the respective UI element classes, if needed.
Member MWGui::WindowManager::mPlayerName
get rid of this stuff. Move it to the respective UI element classes, if needed.
Member MWGui::WindowManager::setValue (int parSkill, const MWMechanics::SkillValue &value)
Don't use the skill enum as a parameter type (we will have to drop it anyway, once we allow custom skills.
Member MWMechanics::Actors::update (float duration, bool paused)
move update logic to Actor class where appropriate
Member MWMechanics::NpcStats::increaseSkill (int skillIndex, const ESM::Class &class_, bool preserveProgress, bool readBook=false)
check if character is the player, if levelling is ever implemented for NPCs
Member MWScript::Locals::read (const ESM::Locals &locals, const std::string &script)
write to log
Member MWWorld::ESMStore::iterator
replace with SharedIterator<StoreBase>
Member MWWorld::ESMStore::load (ESM::ESMReader &esm, Loading::Listener *listener)
Move this to somewhere else. ESMReader?
Member MWWorld::Player::activate ()
Member MWWorld::Scene::loadCell (CellStore *cell, Loading::Listener *loadingListener, bool respawn)
rescale depending on the state of a new GMST
Member MWWorld::World::getAnimation (const MWWorld::Ptr &ptr) override
Probably shouldn't be here
Member MWWorld::World::processDoors (float duration)
should use convexSweepTest here
Member MWWorld::World::screenshot (osg::Image *image, int w, int h) override
this does not belong here
Class osgMyGUI::CustomLogListener
try patching MyGUI to make this easier