This is the complete list of members for MWMechanics::AiPackage, including all inherited members.
AiPackage() | MWMechanics::AiPackage | |
canCancel() const | MWMechanics::AiPackage | virtual |
checkWayIsClearForActor(const ESM::Pathgrid::Point &startPoint, const ESM::Pathgrid::Point &endPoint, const MWWorld::Ptr &actor) | MWMechanics::AiPackage | protected |
clone() const =0 | MWMechanics::AiPackage | pure virtual |
doesPathNeedRecalc(const ESM::Pathgrid::Point &newDest, const MWWorld::CellStore *currentCell) | MWMechanics::AiPackage | protectedvirtual |
evadeObstacles(const MWWorld::Ptr &actor, float duration, const ESM::Position &pos) | MWMechanics::AiPackage | protected |
execute(const MWWorld::Ptr &actor, CharacterController &characterController, AiState &state, float duration)=0 | MWMechanics::AiPackage | pure virtual |
fastForward(const MWWorld::Ptr &actor, AiState &state) | MWMechanics::AiPackage | inlinevirtual |
followTargetThroughDoors() const | MWMechanics::AiPackage | virtual |
getDestination(const MWWorld::Ptr &actor) const | MWMechanics::AiPackage | inlinevirtual |
getPathGridGraph(const MWWorld::CellStore *cell) | MWMechanics::AiPackage | protected |
getPriority() const | MWMechanics::AiPackage | inlinevirtual |
getRepeat() const | MWMechanics::AiPackage | virtual |
getTarget() const | MWMechanics::AiPackage | virtual |
getTypeId() const =0 | MWMechanics::AiPackage | pure virtual |
isNearInactiveCell(const ESM::Position &actorPos) | MWMechanics::AiPackage | private |
isReachableRotatingOnTheRun(const MWWorld::Ptr &actor, const ESM::Pathgrid::Point &dest) | MWMechanics::AiPackage | static |
isTargetMagicallyHidden(const MWWorld::Ptr &target) | MWMechanics::AiPackage | |
mIsShortcutting | MWMechanics::AiPackage | protected |
mLastActorPos | MWMechanics::AiPackage | protected |
mObstacleCheck | MWMechanics::AiPackage | protected |
mPathFinder | MWMechanics::AiPackage | protected |
mRotateOnTheRunChecks | MWMechanics::AiPackage | protected |
mShortcutFailPos | MWMechanics::AiPackage | protected |
mShortcutProhibited | MWMechanics::AiPackage | protected |
mTargetActorId | MWMechanics::AiPackage | mutableprotected |
mTargetActorRefId | MWMechanics::AiPackage | protected |
mTimer | MWMechanics::AiPackage | protected |
openDoors(const MWWorld::Ptr &actor) | MWMechanics::AiPackage | protected |
pathTo(const MWWorld::Ptr &actor, const ESM::Pathgrid::Point &dest, float duration, float destTolerance=0.0f) | MWMechanics::AiPackage | protected |
reset() | MWMechanics::AiPackage | |
shortcutPath(const ESM::Pathgrid::Point &startPoint, const ESM::Pathgrid::Point &endPoint, const MWWorld::Ptr &actor, bool *destInLOS, bool isPathClear) | MWMechanics::AiPackage | protected |
shouldCancelPreviousAi() const | MWMechanics::AiPackage | virtual |
sideWithTarget() const | MWMechanics::AiPackage | virtual |
TypeId enum name | MWMechanics::AiPackage | |
TypeIdActivate enum value | MWMechanics::AiPackage | |
TypeIdAvoidDoor enum value | MWMechanics::AiPackage | |
TypeIdBreathe enum value | MWMechanics::AiPackage | |
TypeIdCast enum value | MWMechanics::AiPackage | |
TypeIdCombat enum value | MWMechanics::AiPackage | |
TypeIdEscort enum value | MWMechanics::AiPackage | |
TypeIdFace enum value | MWMechanics::AiPackage | |
TypeIdFollow enum value | MWMechanics::AiPackage | |
TypeIdInternalTravel enum value | MWMechanics::AiPackage | |
TypeIdNone enum value | MWMechanics::AiPackage | |
TypeIdPursue enum value | MWMechanics::AiPackage | |
TypeIdTravel enum value | MWMechanics::AiPackage | |
TypeIdWander enum value | MWMechanics::AiPackage | |
writeState(ESM::AiSequence::AiSequence &sequence) const | MWMechanics::AiPackage | inlinevirtual |
~AiPackage() | MWMechanics::AiPackage | virtual |